By referring to the activity of Henryk Grohman, Lodz Special Economic Zone supports artists and encourages entrepreneurs to invest in arts and sponsorship and to implement corporate social responsibility.
Lodz Special Economic Zone has been giving awards named after its patron since 2012. In 2016, Grohman’s Awards in the „Important for Lodz” category were given to Father Waldemar Sondka for the foundation of the Christian Culture Festival and to Dom Foundation in Lodz, which helps children with mental problems. In the „Investor - Patron” category, the award was given to Procter & Gamble for the implementation of projects linked with corporate social responsibility.
The main partner of the contest was Polska Press, the editor of Dziennik Łódzki daily. The media partner of the event was TVP Łódź.
This year’s edition of the competition takes place with different classifications. In addition to the winners in the traditional categories, five winners of the 20th Anniversary Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Economic Development of Poland and the Lodz Region have been selected, contributing to the strengthening of industry education and the dual education system. The winners are:
BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp. z o.o.
A well-known manufacturer of household goods and appliances, operating in Lodz Special Economic Zone since 2004. The company does not limit its activities in Lodz to production only - it also invests in technical development such as the opening of the Centre for Research and Development of Dryers and the IT Services Centre as well as by collaborating with the Lodz University of Technology. At present, the company is taking part in a project entitled „z Montuj z nami swoją karierę” (Design Your Career with Us) in cooperation with the Higher Secondary School Complex No. 9 in Lodz.
Haering Polska Sp. z o.o.
In 2002, when Haering’s branch office was opened in Piotrkow Trybunalski, 70 workers started producing elements of subassemblies for the automotive industry. Today, more than 2000 people work in Piotrkow Trybunalski. Haering has collaborated with the Lifelong Education Centre of Modern Technologies in Lodz. A branch of the school, located directly next to the headquarters of the company, was established in 2013. To date, more than 300 people have completed their education there.
Procter and Gamble Operations Sp. z o.o.
The company has four factories in Poland, three of which are located on the premises of Lodz Special Economic Zone. The company has been cooperating with the Jan Nowak-Jeziorański Complex of Technical and IT Schools in Lodz. This cooperation involves preparing new employees in compliance with the needs of the company and organising traineeships and internships. The company is engaged in the development of Polish start-ups and in various CSR activities.
Grupa Paradyż
Grupa Paradyż is a Polish manufacturer of ceramic tiles. The company has invested in the Lodz Special Economic Zone and its plants are located in Tomaszow Mazowiecki, Opoczno and Paradyz. The cooperation with the zone dates back to 2000. The company has been supporting Polish artists for many years. It has helped, among others, the Lodz Design Festival (as the main sponsor for many years), the Film Music Festival in Lodz, the Colours of Poland Festival and the International Folklore Festival in Opoczno.
Grupa Tubądzin
Another domestic manufacturer of ceramic tiles, who have been operating in Lodz Special Economic Zone since 1999. The company opened another plant in Sieradz in 2016. Grupa Tubądzin plays an active part in promoting culture, doing social work and raising money for chairty. It supports, amongst others, the Museum of Manor House Interiors in Tubądzin, where manor house music concerts are held and organised by the company. The company has also organised the Tubądzin Equestrian Championships for 10 years. It is also one of the sponsors of the Equestrian Festival in Gajewniki. The company supports orphanages, nursing homes, schools and kindergartens.
The headquarters of Lodz Special Economic Zone are located in the renovated complex of the former factory, built by Henryk Grohman. Lodz Special Economic Zone considers itself the inheritor of his property. Henryk Grohman (1862-1939) was an heir of Ludwik Grohman’s empire, one of the wealthiest factory owners in Lodz. He was a prominent supporter of culture and art as well as being a Polish patriot. He was also an art collector - mainly graphics by European artists such as Edouard Manet, Paul Gauguin, Pablo Picasso, Edvard Munch, Auguste Rodin, Teodor Axentowicz, Józef Pankiewicz, Leon Wyczółkowski as well as ceramics and graphics from the Far East. Grohman was also known to be music lover.
He collected scores and owned a Stradivarius violin made in 1719. He occasionally played the aforementioned instrument during meetings with his esteemed colleagues and other great men of his era: Ignacy Paderewski, Stanisław Witkiewicz „Witkacy”, Henryk Sienkiewicz. Young Arthur Rubinstein played piano concerts in his villa on 26 Tymienieckiego Street..